Like it Media Group is the dynamic solution

for your digital and social Media needs.


We know how critical your business is to you, and the importance of strong client relationships – we happen to feel the same way! As important as your physical presence, however, is your online presence and how you are seen in the virtual world. 

At Like It Media Group, we understand the virtual world, and can help you navigate through the many online channels available to you to reach your community.  Like It Media Group is focused and results-oriented – think of us as another member on the team helping to grow your business!




Website Creation:


Do you have a website? Is your website effective in reaching your clients? If the answer is ‘no’ or ‘I don’t know’ then let us partner with you to redefine your online presence.  In this digital age, both young and old alike turn to the Internet to find what they need.  If your website is lacking, your business is missing out on the biggest resource to connect with customers! At Like It Media Group, we will work with you to create a beautiful, targeted and effective website to meet your business needs. 


Mobile Site Creation:

Think your existing dated website is ‘good enough’? Think again—because the times they are a changing.  Since 2015, more Google searches are being made on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, than on desktop computers! That means if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, your business is missing out on more than half of online searches as well as leaving potential customers with a bad experience. Like It Media Group designed websites are all 100% mobile-friendly. Have an existing site? We can also work with you to make it a mobile-friendly one! 


Social Media Presence:

Social Media can be an incredibly powerful tool to reach your clients in a personal way, but too often business owners find it difficult to understand or apply social media to their sales and service efforts.   At Like It Media Group, we specialize in social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Vine, LinkedIn and Google+.  We will strategize with you on how your business can effectively use these channels for reaching your clients in new and creative ways!


SEO (Getting You Seen)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an acronym thrown around a lot online, and it is truly a critical component in the design of your website.  Even your most beautiful website will only be effective if optimized for search engines, so it displays high on search results when people look for your business.  Like It Media Group understands how to optimize your site for search – so that your online presence is consistently and strongly visible.


Content Creation

Should you need photography, promotional videos, drone footage, or blogging/posting, Like It Media Group is prepared to provide these services for you. Interesting, relevant and meaningful content is a great way to engage with your prospective customers and grow your business!